Source code for spm1d.stats.t

One- and two sample tests.

# Copyright (C) 2016  Todd Pataky

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot, cm as colormaps
from . import _datachecks, _reml, _spm
from .. import rft1d

rank   = np.linalg.matrix_rank
eps    = np.finfo(float).eps   #smallest float, used to avoid divide-by-zero errors

[docs]def glm(Y, X, c, Q=None, roi=None): ''' General linear model (for t contrasts). :Parameters: - *Y* --- (J x Q) numpy array (dependent variable) - *X* --- (J x B) design matrix (J responses, B parameters) - *c* --- B-component contrast vector (list or array) - *Q* --- non-sphericity specifiers (not currently supported for **glm**) .. note:: Non-sphericity estimates are not supported for **spm1d.stats.glm** :Returns: - An **spm1d._spm.SPM_T** object. :Example: >>> t = spm1d.stats.glm(Y, X, (-1,1)) >>> ti = t.inference(alpha=0.05, two_tailed=True) >>> ti.plot() ''' ### assemble data: Y = np.matrix(Y) X = np.matrix(X) c = np.matrix(c).T ### solve the GLM: b = np.linalg.pinv(X)*Y #parameters eij = Y - X*b #residuals R = eij.T*eij #residuals: sum of squares df = Y.shape[0] - rank(X) #degrees of freedom sigma2 = np.diag(R)/df #variance ### compute t statistic t = np.array(c.T*b).flatten() / (np.sqrt(sigma2*float(c.T*(np.linalg.inv(X.T*X))*c)) + eps) ### estimate df due to non-sphericity: if Q is not None: df = _reml.estimate_df_T(Y, X, eij, Q) eij = np.asarray(eij) if Y.shape[1] > 1: ### estimate field smoothness: fwhm = rft1d.geom.estimate_fwhm(eij) ### compute resel counts: if roi is None: resels = rft1d.geom.resel_counts(eij, fwhm, element_based=False) else: B = np.any( np.isnan(eij), axis=0) #node is true if NaN B = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(B), roi) #node is true if in ROI and also not NaN mask = np.logical_not(B) #true for masked-out regions resels = rft1d.geom.resel_counts(mask, fwhm, element_based=False) t =, np.logical_not(roi)) ### assemble SPM{t} object s = np.asarray(sigma2).flatten() t = _spm.SPM_T(t, (1,df), fwhm, resels, np.asarray(X), np.asarray(b), eij, sigma2=s, roi=roi) else: b,r,s2 = np.asarray(b).flatten(), eij.flatten(), float(sigma2) t = _spm.SPM0D_T(t, (1,df), beta=b, residuals=r, sigma2=s2) return t
[docs]def regress(Y, x, roi=None): ''' Simple linear regression. :Parameters: - *Y* --- (J x Q) numpy array (dependent variable) - *x* --- J-component list or array (independent variable) :Returns: - An **spm1d._spm.SPM_T** object. :Example: >>> Y = np.random.rand(10, 101) >>> Y = spm1d.util.smooth(Y, fwhm=10) >>> x = np.random.rand(10) >>> t = spm1d.stats.regress(Y, x) >>> ti = t.inference(alpha=0.05) >>> ti.plot() :Notes: - the correlation coefficient is retrievable as "t.r" where "t" is the output from **spm1d.stats.regress** - statistical inferences are based on *t*, not on *r* ''' Y = _datachecks.asmatrix(Y, dtype=float) _datachecks.check('regress', Y, x) J = Y.shape[0] X = np.ones((J,2)) X[:,0] = x c = [1,0] spmt = glm(Y, X, c, roi=roi) spmt.r = spmt.z / ( (J - 2 + spmt.z**2)**0.5) #t = r * ((J-2)/(1-r*r) )**0.5 spmt.isregress = True return spmt
[docs]def ttest(Y, y0=None, roi=None): ''' One-sample t test. :Parameters: - *Y* --- (J x Q) data array (J responses, Q nodes) - *y0* --- optional Q-component datum array (default is the null continuum) :Returns: - An **spm1d._spm.SPM_T** object. :Example: >>> Y = np.random.randn(8, 101) >>> Y = spm1d.util.smooth(Y, fwhm=15) >>> t = spm1d.stats.ttest(Y) >>> ti = t.inference(alpha=0.05, two_tailed=True) >>> ti.plot() ''' Y = _datachecks.asmatrix(Y, dtype=float) _datachecks.check('ttest', Y, y0) J = Y.shape[0] Ytemp = Y.copy() if y0 is not None: Ytemp -= y0 X = np.ones((J,1)) c = (1) ### compute SPM{t}: return glm(Ytemp, X, c, roi=roi)
[docs]def ttest_paired(YA, YB, roi=None): ''' Paired t test. :Parameters: - *YA* --- (J x Q) data array (J responses, Q nodes) - *YB* --- (J x Q) data array (J responses, Q nodes) :Returns: - An **spm1d._spm.SPM_T** object. :Example: >>> YA,YB = np.random.randn(8, 101), np.random.randn(8, 101) >>> YA,YB = spm1d.util.smooth(Y, fwhm=10), spm1d.util.smooth(Y, fwhm=10) >>> t = spm1d.stats.ttest_paired(YA, YB) >>> ti = t.inference(alpha=0.05) >>> ti.plot() ''' YA,YB = _datachecks.asmatrix(YA, dtype=float), _datachecks.asmatrix(YB, dtype=float) _datachecks.check('ttest_paired', YA, YB) return ttest(YA-YB, roi=roi)
[docs]def ttest2(YA, YB, equal_var=False, roi=None): ''' Two-sample t test. :Parameters: - *YA* --- (J x Q) data array (J responses, Q nodes) - *YB* --- (J x Q) data array (J responses, Q nodes) - *equal_var* --- If *True*, equal group variance will be assumed :Returns: - An **spm1d._spm.SPM_T** object. :Example: >>> YA,YB = np.random.randn(8, 101), np.random.randn(8, 101) >>> YA,YB = spm1d.util.smooth(Y, fwhm=10), spm1d.util.smooth(Y, fwhm=10) >>> t = spm1d.stats.ttest2(YA, YB) >>> ti = t.inference(alpha=0.05) >>> ti.plot() ''' ### check data: YA,YB = _datachecks.asmatrix(YA, dtype=float), _datachecks.asmatrix(YB, dtype=float) _datachecks.check('ttest2', YA, YB) ### assemble data JA,JB = YA.shape[0], YB.shape[0] Y = np.vstack( (YA, YB) ) ### specify design and contrast: X = np.zeros( (JA+JB, 2) ) X[:JA,0] = 1 X[JA:,1] = 1 c = (1, -1) ### non-sphericity: Q = None if not equal_var: J = JA + JB q0,q1 = np.eye(JA), np.eye(JB) Q0,Q1 = np.matrix(np.zeros((J,J))), np.matrix(np.zeros((J,J))) Q0[:JA,:JA] = q0 Q1[JA:,JA:] = q1 Q = [Q0, Q1] ### compute SPM{t}: return glm(Y, X, c, Q, roi=roi)